Assalammualaikum wbt. Suatu ketika dahulu, adalah cuba mohon scholarship ni. For Medic which is Yayasan Khazanah Watan.  Which is alway...

01.05.2017 // Yayasan Khazanah Scholarship

Assalammualaikum wbt.
Suatu ketika dahulu, adalah cuba mohon scholarship ni. For Medic which is Yayasan Khazanah Watan.  Which is always tak lepas part stage 1. Stage 1 pun dah susah kan apatah lagi stage lain2. Dengar cerita it has 4 ke 5 stage. I am considered as lucky kut sebab tak perlu dah nak hadap something that is so hard to achieve. Mungkin tak nak aku bazir masa kat situ.
Usually, masa apply dia akan mintak buat essay about field we chose, our dreams and contribution to country and personal qualities.  So here I am nak menunjuk what have I done untuk rujukan para pengguna internet sebab bila cari memang tak jumpa sebelum ni. So payah. This is my essay before editing the words sebab salah tekan don’t save masa exit. Nasib baik dah submit heheh.

Yayasan Khazanah – Watan Essay


 “It is hard,”
“No one in our family pursued this field,”
“Give up already, you are not that astounding student,”
“Maybe you should just stay on your track without rebelling?”

 This is how they react when I say that I want to pursue my study in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) or Doctor of Medicine (MD). But, with the traits of being optimistic from my mother, I kept thinking, “why not?” Since I love challenges, I would rather go out of the comfort zone because we know how hard it is to take this course. But this is not my main reason to become a doctor or physician. The reason for my interests is my family, teachers and friends support. They have supported my ambition since form four and as they becoming my backbone, I have struggled my best to succeed. Next, as I enter my foundation, my interests toward biology subject increase as I realize how fascinating it is to know how human physiology are. I also experienced Pre-Medicine short courses after my foundation years. The participants are given early exposures toward the subjects and how the clinical years would be.

 I do acknowledge that those early exposures are not the same as reality. It would be as different as chalk and cheese. I know how the reality would be; that these people who we call as a doctor would have fewer sleep hours, less of leisure and sadly meal hours. They might not have a single bread until evening because of their full schedule. They are studying for their whole life especially when there is epidemic in their country.  The doctor is like living as the patient’s family as most of their time spent are inside the hospital. Not to mention, the 36-hours of on call especially for those in the Emergency Department, they might could not even blink their eyes for hours due to flooding patients (applied to hospitals that have not change to shift system). Sometimes, these doctors do not even have time for being depressed as they need to keep on smiling to the patients. Some pediatricians might care more for the children in the ward that causing him/her does not have time for their own son/daughter. No matter how sleepy or sick these doctors are, when it is time for work, they need to wake up as they have responsibilities to be fulfilled.  Working as a doctor does not mean you just dealing with a nice patient only, sometimes, they might curse you due to unstable psychology during sick. Being a doctor also meant you need to tolerate your mind when looking at accident victim, withstand your emotions looking at an old man with chronic disease that has no hope of living, or looking at a person who cannot walk, contain your fear when dealing with mental disorder patient, or maybe just holding yourself to burst into laughing when patient farts during the treatment.

 But then, I want to feel how joyful it is to become a doctor; to have patients smiling or thanking us or to have patients praying for our health and excellent future. I want to experience patient smiling looking at their baby after labor. I want to see the happy face of the patient who can discharge from the ward. I want to see the patient who was in a coma being able to communicate with their family by their side. I want to see how those who have no hopes being able to continue their lives as usual after they the treatment. That little joy after the hustle and bustle of the ward. I want to experience it.

It is not about the money, or names, or popularity. It is about being a channel of changing people’s lives. It is about devoting myself into the society. It is about contributing something that I loved and know about. It is about helping people out there who needs medical attention. Imagine, those who involves in wars and natural disasters. A tremendous number of casualties need medical attention but only a few of those with qualifications and courage went there to aid them. As for me, I want to be there. Sit down silently by doing nothing and watching people suffer is just too cruel for me. That is why I am really interested in MBBS. I am very sure on what I chose.


I have a few dreams. Dreams that can be done after I have the qualification or medical license. Dreams that not only I wish but I work for it to become reality.

 Firstly, I want to have my own hospital that offers nice facilities with full consideration toward the patient. I was inspired by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s clinic that provides free medical aids for those needy people. Once if I am capable, I would like to do the same as what he did before. I want to dedicate myself for needy Malaysian. I do understand how those people feel as I am once being friend hands to hands with an impoverished peer who lives with chronic disease parents. It is very hard if something has had happens to their parents.

 Second, I would like to give scholarships for those who determined to become a doctor. Those who have passion, those who are really strong, those who willing to do anything to be one. We find that it is very hard to find scholarships for those who want to take medicine courses. There are just a few that could provide financial aids. I am afraid that one day, some students might making some loan at the bank to pursue their ambition.

             I know that my dreams sound just like night dream that when we wake up we will forget about it. It sounds just like empty talks. It might sound just like fantasy. But, no, I have plans on how to make my dreams come true. It will be so drastically to have the hospital in early years so I am planning to have 24 hours clinic first. With the profits I made, I would open a few branches and gain more profit to start my own hospital. Besides, I have started an online business for my future savings. This is how I could meet my dream and in the meantime benefit my country. For me, nothing is impossible in this world. My dreams are just a small part of the world. I would like to quote on what Steve Jobs once said;

“While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
Are the ones who do.”


 “I am going to pursue MBBS and there is no turning back from this point.”

 I am determined to choose a doctor as my future career as soon as I enter my foundation and it will never change. I have worked hard to achieve excellent GPA for my first semester. Woke up at 4 am and slept at 12 am every single day. It became more restless during my final examination where I did not even blink my eyes for Chemistry paper as it was quite hard for me. Within my first semester, I have joined Seni Silat Cekak that cause me to have training every Monday and Wednesday until late night. Just imagine, how brave I am walking through the pitch black field at 12 in the morning. Sometimes, it rains heavily and I need to use long scary hallway just to get to my dormitory. I would also clarify myself to be adaptable to stress. I remembered, during my mathematic final examination for my last semester in the foundation, I became too sick to answer the question given. I just could answer two to three questions because I suddenly got too sick. I ended up being frustrated when I got out from the examination hall. I thought I would become depressed because of that tragedy. I have two more paper to face. But then, I am able to overcome my depression on just a day.

  I thought, “the past is past, I could not change the past, but I do can change the future.” I think it is quite comical to have that kind of spirit but it is inevitable to say that my heart is broken. After a few months, the results came out. I was very happy that my Mathematics’ result is B because I am very sure with that kind of performance, I might fail my paper. I feel very grateful to Allah as He still gives me a chance to rejoice my broken heart. I got A for another 3 subjects and my CGPA turns out to be 3.89. My final personal quality is that I could adapt to new environment easily. Just imagine, I travel through three school and three states (Sarawak, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur) throughout my secondary school. The language, amusement and social are so different from where I am from. But, I never changed my personality. Moreover, my grades had never decreased or even maintained. Instead, it increased from time to time. In form 4, I have maintained being a top student until the end of my secondary school. I got 8A for my SPM regardless on which school I have been.

 And so I did it like that. Tepuk sikit. Okay tak payah. Harap rujukan essay ni membantu. Walaupun words is confirmed melebihi 1500 words. Dia nak kurang.
After a week tarikh tutup, dapat email mengatakan yang I have 2 weeks utk buat assessment online.


Well, since dia ada gap 2 minggu yang boleh kita buat, aku sarankan korang buat assessment pada hari yang berbeza supaya lebih tenang gitu. Ada dua assessment yang akan korang hadap, which kalau ikut tahun ni:

Verbal Assessment
Numerical Assessment

Korang akan buat assessment ni melalui cubiksonline. Kalau yang dah bekerja tu rasanya tahu kut tahap cubiks ni macam mana. So high in the sky. That you might could not reach it. Kay tak kelakar. Looking for practice? Tak berapa banyak kalau search but worth a try. Kalau nak practice, boleh lah
search google, Verbal Assessment practice@ Numerical… Cubiks sendiri pun ada sediakan Cuma tak banyak, about 8 soalan gitu.

Numerical is not that hard for me, sbb banyak interpret graph, chart pie, and others. Tapi verbal sumpah susah, tapi mungkin sebab tekanan masa kut rasa menggelabah sikit. Kenapa tekanan masa sedangkan numerical punya pun singkat jugak? Sebab verbal punya is like 35question 30/25 minutes. Mana nak baca lagi essay berjela. Haha I need to work on my psychological factor suatu hari.

After about a week I guess, they sent an email saying that there are more outstanding applications and I have not shortlisted for the next stage. Dah agak dah. Tapi tetap broken heart for some reason hehe. Maybe I have better place to go. 

Okay that is all from me. You could expect me to tell more after this. On what I have applied and my post-SPM life such as going to Asasi UiTM, Premed, Fisio UiTM and so on so on. 

"Life is about learning"

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