Hi there. I found my old essay. I hope my writing can inspire you how to write. By the way, both of the essay inside my blog, brought me to ...


Hi there. I found my old essay. I hope my writing can inspire you how to write. By the way, both of the essay inside my blog, brought me to the second stage which is assessment. You can learn how to answer and what the question inside the google actually. I have found once. It is very hard and challenging actually. So , i didn't get to the third stage. But nevermind. I already have other target now. 

A1: Medical is the field of study that I desired to continue with. My ambition is a doctor. To be a doctor is a challenging work and I love to challenge myself to have a better future. Plus, being a doctor is the only way to get close to the community. By doing this, I will know other people's hardship and it will keep me remind that there are more people suffering out there. This will makes me more motivated all the time and gives me spirit to help more people. We know that on 26th December 2004, Acheh has been sweep by the tsunami. When I am in form 2 ( 2011), I was interested to watch the videos through youtube. Many people died and injured badly. All of them need medical attention. Despite the lack of facilities and medical care, those doctors still trying their best to treat the victims. I felt compassion to all of those victims and I really want to help them. Starting on that time,  I determined to be a doctor. I want to save people's lives and I want to help people who suffers by pain. Since that day, I started watching drama and movies that concerning a doctor issues to gain my enthusiasm such as greys anatomy and emergency couple. I get more interested by watching the cases in emergency room, surgery and their life as an intern. Now, I have passion to be a doctor.

A2: Eventhough nowadays Malaysia is a viable country,  this country is still lack of doctors. The ratio between doctor and patient is 1:2700. Increasing numbers of doctor will accommodate the necessities of government's hospital. Moreover, we could decreases the death rate in Malaysia which also lead to addition the number of manpower in Malaysia. Within this, we should stop importing foreigners who come here for a job as we have sufficiency number of manpowers. This will help us increase our country's financial condition. In addition, if Malaysia have specialist doctors, we do not need to import specialist from other countries that cost too much. This will also attract patients from foreign countries to seek medical attention at Malaysia which also contribute by increasing our financial. Plus, infected diseases can be prevent by having adequate number of doctors. Malaysian could be more productive without these types of diseases like dengue. Malaysia always assume that worldwide relationship are vital. When there are wars or disaster happens, doctors are sent for medical help at other places. This shows that doctors help our country to have a good relationship with other countries and prevents war. Doctors from our country will also gives a good view and example to the foreign country. They renowned our country and we should be proud of them.

A3: I have interest on studying and achieving my dreams. I am also an easy-learner. I am willing to work hard as long as I can achieve my targets. When there are some topic that I could not understand, I will stay up late at night so I can study and understand the topic. Usually, those high-achiever had attend tuition classes or having prep at their boarding school. But I did not attend tuition classes because of its expensive fee and I also schooling at daily school. This shows that I am an independent students. I have my own identity that would not influenced by my peers. Usually,  teenagers in my age love wasting their time and money but it is different when it comes to me. On my free time,  I would love to study and I can tell you studying is my hobby. For your information,  I have travel three schools for my secondary and I can adapt easily to my new condition. Especially,  after 13 years living at sarawak and now I am at East Malaysia and I have a lot of friends. Just imagine, the changes of languages, culture, technology and entertainment. How did entertainment does not bother me? Because I have only one aim here. It is to grab a chance to success in this big city. I have flexibility to live anywhere with my fixed personality. 

Never have I thought I mentioned Acheh before. And now I got a lovely boyfie from there hehe. But he lived faraway from the tsunami places. I am fascinated about that country very much especially from their food. Even the guys from their country can cook veryyyyy delicious food. Everyone of them know what kind of fish, what is spices and everything that a girl who is so ignorant about kitchen don't know. I am glad to know him. Hehe. 

Just to be proud. 



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