About me
A girl who search many ways to live after quitting a degree program. 20 y/o. Trying to guide other people life so that they don't feel how is it to be heartbroken.
Change and Love
Assalammualaikum dan hai.Lama sangat tak post niiii. Sangat2 busy tapi sangat2 banyak benda nak share. Nak share pasal banyak benda yg boleh bantu ramai orang so this is one of it. Memandangkan baru balik dari PPUM (PUSAT PERUBATAN UNIVERSITI MALAYA), dan
Hi there. I found my old essay. I hope my writing can inspire you how to write. By the way, both of the essay inside my blog, brought me to the second stage which is assessment. You can learn how to
Hi and assalammualaikumAstaghfirullahaladzim La ila ha illallah.Utk pengetahuan , tadi dah taip panjang naudzubillah dkt dlm apps blog ni. Ends up dia terpadam sendiri . *Tepuk dahiSo type dalam email copy and paste je nnti.Sorry ter merepek pulak.(Sakit hati sis)Setelah sekian lama