Assalammualaikum w.b.t and hello.

This post is for whatever you applied after SPM whether it is IB, A-level, STPM, Matriculation, Foundation, Diploma or anything. As long as it is a Pre University courses. I will start using English for my blog so bear with my grammar, spelling or even way to deliver. I am not that good English so I want to practice it here so please guide me if there any problems in my post. Btw, this post is for Malaysian students :)

1) If you are other than foundation (except UM,UiTM), you should apply for UPU.

All public universities are offered in UPU from USM to UMS starting from 2017 (the year i post this). Usually, UM and USM have other system we can apply through. We need to pay RM60++ to apply to USM but starting this year, everything is through UPU. So, students just need to pay about RM15++ for pin number. Talk about being lucky. Usually for diploma student, the course offered are limited compare to Matriculation/Foundation student where certain courses or certain universities are not offered. Same applied to foundation leaver (bukan tahun semasa). We know that we haven't get result after the UPU deadline but no worries because matriculation/foundation (leaver) can change their chosen course on phase 2. I am not really sure about stpm. You should ask your seniors.

2) Apply for Laluan Khas in UiTM

Usually this is for Diploma UiTM leaver. They need to buy UiTM pin number to apply it. But, nama pun laluan khas (me being stressed in writing english). You reserved to be there. There are quota for UiTM student so no worries. Try it.

3) Also for UiTM student or UKM student.

I heard that, some of student will be sent to Indonesia. For UiTM if your CGPA exceeds 3.50 you will receive email to attend interview in UiTM Shah Alam. But the interview itself costs RM750(?) So think real hard, because it is a waste of money if you then plan not to go. By passing this interview, you will be sent to UNIVERSITAS HASSANUDDIN, MAKASSAR๐Ÿ’•. I have many friends that had gone there. Goodluck, guys! I wish you all the best! Be my doctor. ๐Ÿ’™ Makassar actually located behind Borneo so your maghrib will be super early and your Subuh will be freaking early๐Ÿ˜‚ sis takpa. Biasa dah dari Sarawak. And don't be so shock about your syllabus most would be in Indonesian Language. So guys, think thoroughly, can you really adapt your language once you need to attend your Housemenship. We always hear that students from oversea quite hard to adapt with Malaysia situation so are you ready to be scold MORE? So for UKM, I don't really know about the process, but they sent their students to Universitas Padpajaran, Bandung. Bandung rasanya time dia ikut Semenanjung kut. Rasanya dia tanah sebelah selat melaka. Sis tak ingat. Try maps sendiri. ๐Ÿ˜‚

*when i say uitm student bermaksud lepasan asasi dan diploma uitm


Like what I said in my last post on last but not least section. I should say you could apply this if your result on foundation/dip/matric/stpm is not favourable to Malaysia's wanted cgpa (3.9++) but your SPM is 6A and above. Try apply at Egypt or Indonesia or Russia. You could apply this through KPM or agency or personal. I think you should try it through agency to make your life easier at least as they can guide your visa application, your transcript translation and much more. But of course, we need more money here. I am not sure about the loan you can make. I think you can apply for MARA loan but I heard most of agency does not prefer oversea's student so I cannot confirm. You should call them.

For IB/ A-level student. I think it is about on January, you can apply in UCAS for UK universities and for US i think you need to sit for SAT. I think most of IB/A-level student already knows more than me about this thing. So goodluck guys. Be my heart doctor❤ (ceh, nak student oversea aje)

* update: you can try asking  ZARAZAKIAH agency

5)Yayasan Khazanah.

Actually i need to put this in last post but I didn't. Yayasan Khazanah offer their candidates to IMU whether it is foundation (for SPM leaver)/ medicine courses itself (for STPM/Setaraf leaver). Having yayasan khazanah as a sponsor makes you very lucky as you will have bigger allowance and bigger vision and 100% tuition waiver. Yuran 475k beb syukur tak syukur dapat sponsor gitu. But of course the stages you must go through is tooo much. But it is worth to try.

6) PMC

Penang Medical College in collaboration with University College of Dublin or Royal College of Surgeon in Ireland. They offer scholarships to certain students so I think you should try it yourself. I pass for the admission but didn't call for the interview for the scholarship yet. I think it covers the fee (which is 625k?) And allowence. So why not giving it a try.

7) Local Private University

Easy to enter as long as you are 3.50 above. But the fee is also quite high which the lowest fee maybe around 320k in MSU i guess. But, make sure your university are qualified in MMC and MQA. You can check them in each websites. Is it really only rich people enter there? NO. Some of them are JPA sponsor, some of them are MARA sponsor and some of them are KHAZANAH sponsor (not quite sure bout this). You can try Hong Leong foundation and apply for PTPTN in the same time. If loan, PTPTN ONLY provides 150k for the highest amount. So, how about another 150k ? You can search for other sources. Mara loan? Only for bumiputera. Yes it covers all the fee and have a few allowence. About rm500/month? It changes due to current economies. Loan? It can change to scholarship if you have a good performances. So, once you get into medicine world, TRY THE HARDEST AS YOU COULD!
List of recognized university:
1. Taylor's
3.Management and Science University
4. PERDANA uni
 ( Basically, these unis, have their clinical at HSB. So for those who have friends in UiTM, you can apply for this uni kalau nak jumpa haha. I miss Myzan, Ida, Jiji :') )

8. Foundation student and student yang dapat degree selain Medic.

Alert! Your transcript can expired in a/2 year. If anything happens. You need to start from zero. But kalau dah terlanjur tu, boleh lah rujuk balik my last post. I am also in this situation. So, let's struggle hard. LET WE BECOME A DOCTOR TOOOO!! HAHA. Okay basically you can try the degree that you get first. For example physiotherapy. FACE THAT FOUR YEARS AND GO TO UK. Because all of UK people need to have first degree before attending medical schools. It is a norm there so to reduce your janggalness. You may apply oversea. Study and come back to Malaysia as you are already 30y/o. Then, houseman. It is not old for West People (orang Barat) but it is VERY old for Malaysian. We need to change our mentality though. Jangan tersangkut di pasak yang sama. Apa aku ngarut ni lahai. So, If you have that PASSION go for it! If your parents support your decision, go for it!!

Okay I think that is all the way I could show. I MIGHT cannot become a doctor but at least, 2 or 3 people who read this posts may become one. I wish you all the best!!! Study to save people not for exam okay! You are forever my Idol. DEAR DOCTOR. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•
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